Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gemini: Walking the walk and talking the talk

Have you ever met someone who loves to talk? Really talk, I mean talk until they're blue in the face and will keep going even if all suitable topics have been exhausted? Most likely you have just met a Gemini. This post will explore the talkative aspect of Gemini females and how it impacts their interactions with other signs on a romantic and personal level.

The twins

I have to preface this by saying as a Water sign I don't get along with Air signs in general. I see them as shallow, unrealistic, and non trustworthy. The love is not loss, because Air signs see Water signs as being too overly emotional, constricting, secretive,  and unnecessarily complex. I can almost guarantee that any union be it friendship or romance between an Air and Water sign will not work out for these reasons. Yes there are exceptions to every rule but trust me on this one, Air signs are meant to be with only other Air signs. That is who they will always be happiest with because other Air signs understand Gemini's need for freedom, superficiality and a busy social life.

Gemini's are truly the communicators of the Zodiac. Even a "shy" Gemini and you will come across those every once in a while will open up eventually. Now although Geminis are quite the talker you will notice that in these interactions that a Gemini seems somewhat removed. The eyes aren't quite lighting up to match the tone of voice, the smile isn't really that warm, and at times what a Gemini will ask or say can come across as shallow or even calculating. Out of all the Air signs, Geminis are the most grounded in reality, yet they still are very much like Libra and Aquarius (the other two Air signs). This means that they are somewhat removed from reality and  devoid of feeling human emotion. Now I know what some readers may be thinking at this point, "well I know several Geminis and they're not like this at all". Just remember there are two sides to every Gemini. The side you may have encountered at that moment may present itself as caring and loving but the other side may not be.

The dark and good side of Gemini
Geminis are a sign that is personified by dual personalities. Although many Geminis can be warm and loving, there will always be another side to them, more often then not that side of them is not one you want to mess with. Gemini females especially tend to exhibit their dual personalities, although they do so in an entirely different way then Gemini men. Gemini women are  known for their charm which seduces many a passerbyer. Even though they are not as charming as Gemini men can be (more on this in a later post) Gemini women can still charm the pants off anyone ( I mean this literally). Most Gemini women are warmer then Gemini men. They can talk to almost anyone and  they will make that person feel like they are their center of attention. A true Gemini is the type of person that can make friends wherever they go. But Geminis have a hard time maintaining long lasting or deep friendships and relationships with people because after a while Gemini will get bored.

The Gemini bible
Gems love to keep around many diverse groups of friends. Fair warning the minute you become boring to a Gemini or attempt to cage them in they will leave. Gems have to be entertained all the time, and they have to have an outlet in which they can talk and meet others. Geminis need to have people they can talk to at all times. Trust me when I say that a Gemini could probably hold a conversation with an inanimate object and still be content.

So my readers may be wondering at this point, so what? Big deal they like to communicate, we get it. Geminis love affair with talking is hardly new. But consider this Gemini's love of talking will impact any relationship a Gemini has. Unlike most signs Geminis aren't so interested in looks or money, although those things do matter to some Gems. What they care about is personality. If a Gemini meets someone who can make them laugh and entertain them they will stick around. However, Geminis will eventually get bored. This holds true for both male and female Geminis. And they will most likely cheat.

Not happening any time soon
This is not a loyal sign by any means. And unlike most signs they are turned on by things like charm and flirting, whereas other practical signs would see through it. To a Gemini often it is words that turn them on in the bedroom more so then physicality. Although most male Geminis are quite experimental in the bedroom for the most part the female Gemini can be quite removed emotionally and not interested in sensual lovemaking. She likes sex but she prefers the thrill of the chase more then the American dream home with a white picket fence and husband waiting for her. Like all Air signs she is thrilled with being spontaneous and adventurous. To her nothing is better then spending the night flirting surrounded by many admirers and friends.

So if this social butterfly sounds like your cup of tea then good luck. I would say based on my experience don't expect a long term relationship from a Gemini. And on a more personal note don't expect them to be honest and real with you. This sign is known for being untruthful, untrustworthy and shallow. The best matches are other Air signs and Leo ( who lets face it goes with any sign as long as they're willing to stroke Leo's ego)

My issues with female and male Geminis is this, why the shallowness? Every single Gemini I have ever met is shallow in one way or another. I'm not referring to a superficial shallowness, although a lot of Geminis are very superficial. But rather Gemini's are not deep. They are extremely flighty and  don't want to be encumbered by things like feelings or emotions. In fact to a Gemini, feelings just get in the way of things, most Geminis are ruled by the pursuit of fun times. They are not looking for people who are too emotional or clingy.

Just my two cents...feel free to share your opinion on Geminis..another post soon to come on Gemini males and lying

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