Friday, October 22, 2010

Aries Female: Impulse Control

 I have to admit I am very biased when it comes to writing about Aries females. Namely because I have never come across an Aries female I did not like. They are brave, bold, funny, drama free, ambitious, spontaneous, driven, loving, and passionate.  All of the things I have spent my entire life trying to be, Aries females do naturally on their own.
Unlike male Aries, Aries females are much more grounded, warm hearted and sensitive. Although they still embody the Aries “can do” spirit they do so in a very tone downed way. Aries women are the most “real” sign of the Zodiac. They are honest, blunt and most of them are ridiculously funny as a result. They have a lot of masculine energy flowing through them which makes them risk takers, aggressive go getters, and at times somewhat egotistical. But there is something Aries females just like Aries men have a problem with and that is their impulsive natures.
Awww its a baby Ram :-)
Aries is a sign ruled by their impulses. Because they are the first sign of the Zodiac, they are considered the “baby” of the Astrological world. When a baby wants something, be it food or a diaper change, how do they go about getting your attention? A baby will scream and cry until they get your attention because they are ruled solely by their impulses. All a baby thinks about is their pleasure and needs.  They do not take your feelings into account as they are screaming and crying.  And just like babies, Aries will also be passionate and scream when they want your attention even if it hurts your feelings.
As I mentioned in my last post, Aries is not a patient sign. They can certainly try to learn patience but it is not a skill that comes naturally. One Aries male described it thusly, “I am the most impatient person who feigns patience that there is”. Nothing pains an Aries more then to wait for things. Which is why when an Aries is offered something or sees something they like they will go after it with almost no thought of the consequences. Aries has a lot of energy and they need to direct their energy into some type of endeavor. They are definitely not content just watching life pass them by. 

Aries can also be very persistent, because they are ruled by impulse they will often push boundaries to go after what they want. Always remember that Aries least favorite word is no. Telling an Aries no at any point of a relationship or friendship is futile because Aries will always go after what they want regardless of your opinion. The trick with Aries is sugarcoating your resistance in such a way that they believe it was their idea in the first place. Aries is a sign that likes to win any argument no matter how small so never say no to this sign. 

Sometimes this impulsive nature is a good thing. While other signs like Taurus and Cancer will deliberate a course of action and often miss out on an opportunity, Aries will just go after what they want with no questions asked. This impulsive nature means that Aries is much more likely to do something without considering the ramifications of the behavior. Aries don't understand the concept of consequences and many have trouble dealing with moderation. They are often more liable to suffer from the consequences due to their wrong choices.
No suprise that they call it a battering ram

Many Aries women I know of have made a lot of bad choices in life because of this impulsive nature. Be it in jobs, relationships or even trivial matters like shopping. This is not to say that an Aries, be they male or female, don’t think or rationalize about a choice. But rationalization and patience are skills that must be learned over time by an Aries.  They do not come naturally and especially in stressful situations Aries will usually react without thinking.
This type of behavior can be self destructive in many ways. I have some Aries friends who have impulsive shopping, eating, drinking and drug habits. Unlike many thrifty signs (Cancer/Taurus/Virgo) Aries will buy things they like without thinking of the consequences. They are not the best savers because they will often buy things recklessly without deliberating whether they really need it or not. 

This type of reckless or irrational behavior can often lead to promiscuity. Aries females just like Aries men want to be in committed and long lasting relationships. However many of them have no problem sleeping around before a relationship. Like I mentioned in my last post, when Aries sees something that they want , they go out and get it. While other signs like Taurus or Capricorn are deliberating about your future potential, Aries has already propositioned you to come back to their home. This is very big problem for female Aries who may start a relationship with someone who is completely inappropriate for them simply because they did not think before entering into a relationship. Or it could lead to them being hurt by others who may not have the same feelings for them. 

Their impulsive nature and masculine energy means that many Aries females have no problem adapting a "love em, and leave em" approach to life. They can flit from man to man with almost no problem or guilt but their true goal in life is finding their soul mate. Yes, under all that masculine energy Aries truly wants to find a life  partner that they  respect and love. Aries women also make great moms, especially with little boys since they're not afraid to get down and dirty.
Aries women will struggle with their impulsive nature but many I know have managed over the years to tame it and learn patience. However they must still be careful of it being activated during stressful situations. The loss of control or rational thinking that an Aries experiences can be very harmful to those around them. When an Aries loses their tempers all hell will break loose. Aries has no problem cursing someone out or starting a fight with someone when they’re upset. Even if that person is someone they love and respect, Aries don’t rationalize when they’re upset and are unable to take a step back and consider that persons feelings. When upset, Aries has no filter. They will say the stupidest, rudest, inappropriate things and then will act like what they did was no big deal.

Its important that Aries women and men learn to deal with this impulsive nature and funnel their energy into other endeavors. Remember Aries, patience is a virtue.

1 comment:

  1. I was born on March 24th 1987 and I was born with Down Syndrome, I love everything about the aries sign and most of them are true about me but some of the details about me is not true, I am consider a great friend to everyone that I really love, Why do people who is a Aries wants to hurt other people? Based on our sign
