In this past year my romantic life has been very dull, I attribute this to one thing, which is that I have only dated Virgos this year. Sure there has been the occasional one date or two with a fellow Cancer (total failures) and with some air signs (total failure, no surprise there) but the majority of my dating life has been centered around Virgos.

What I am saying is that Virgo men, no matter how old, will always act more youthful then their peers and display a childish nature both in personality and in actions. The men of this sign cling to youth, and if they were deprived of a childhood while they were were young they will develop odd quirks and habits that reflect this deprivation.
For example Michael Jackson, a famous Virgo, was obsessed with his childhood. His home in California was made to resemble a theme park and he hosted (albeit unsuccessfully) many sleepovers and parties solely with children. This is not to say that Virgos are pedophiles or are only attracted to children. Quite the opposite, most Virgos have far too much control over their personalities and are too concerned with how the world views them to do something as strange as this. But like Michael Jackson, Virgo men do have a fascination with childish things. Whether that be a childish sense of humor, love of cartoons, comic books or toys, rest assured Virgo men will display some form of this childish nature in their personalities.
Virgo males are also obsessed with their toys. Don't be fooled all Virgo men have toys. Whether that toy be collectible action figures, coin/stamp collections, pocket watches or a Mercedes Benz, rest assured Virgos will always have something that they consider a "toy".The most extreme example of this I encountered was another Virgo male I dated this year. He was in his early thirties and yet lived like a college student. His apartment was filled with toys and other various collectibles. For someone who was at an age were he should have been married with kids he chose to instead live like someone in his early twenties or late teens.
Although Virgo men can be quite caring to those they love there is always a very selfish quality to them (both male and female Virgos can exhibit this quality). Like children they don't always put other peoples needs and feelings besides their own first. This quality can be seen readily in how Virgo treats people, both strangers and those they love. Virgo males will often be critical of their partners, family and friends. Like a child, Virgo will speak their mind as to what they think your faults are and like children they are confused when we become angry at them for this. Virgos think we should appreciate their critiques of us. Afterall, if a Virgo male wasn't there to inform us about how much weight we have gained, how yellow really wasn't our color and how unsalted his dinner was that night, who would?
The selfishness, rudeness and being critical is very reminiscent of a Virgo's childish nature. Like children, Virgo males lack the empathy and social awareness not to make rude comments. Nor do they have the wisdom to realize that they can bring about change in people simply by using positive constructive criticism or sugar coating the truth. Often times with Virgos, you will receive an acid bath of criticism for something as simple as overcooking dinner or an untucked shirt.
This again hearkens back to Virgo's detail oriented nature. Virgos in general are very detail oriented and neat people. Nothing escapes their attention and being thick skinned they don't mind bringing it to peoples attention. This quality makes them excellent mathematicians, scientists, engineers, lawyers, etc. But it also makes them lousy at relationships, both friendship and love.
Which brings me to another interesting thing about Virgos, which is their shyness and timidity in sexual matters. Not to say Virgos won't hook up or have random sex. Virgos don't really mind either although its not their preference. What they don't like is crude talk or anything out of the realm of the ordinary. They enjoy "clean" sex and prefer partners who are keep themselves up very well (completely waxed, beautiful lingerie, etc). Virgos rarely want to feel dirty during sex, so don't try to talk too "dirty" to your Virgo man. They like to think of their lovers as innocent and virginal. Although a Virgo man loves to be on top and dominate during sex he is not always the most passionate nor experimental lover. Virgo men rarely experiment during sex and usually prefer sticking to tried and true positions.
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And no sexy Brazilian men playing the guitar either |
A man I recently dated has a very strong Virgo personality. He is extremely detail oriented, neat and fastidious about his appearance. And yet despite his strong masculine personality and somewhat domineering nature when you get to know him the mask falls away and what was revealed was a somewhat shy and timid little boy. I remember one day talking dirty to him during foreplay and he actually blushed, repeatedly. This coming from a man who had been around the block more than a few times.
Needless to say this post doesn't encapsulate the better qualities of Virgos. Like many Earth signs Virgos are dependable, solid, down to earth and good people. However this sign does have its quirks and the myth of the Virgo man-child was one of the many interesting topics that I want to explore in this blog. Feel free to comment :-)
HE HE EXACTLY v r strong detailed oriented,neat and fastidious abt appearance,on d other side v r shy and timid little boys,V R CHILDISH too,ur post s 100% correct.