Monday, October 11, 2010

Leo Men: Rawr!

Today I will explore the concept of vanity and attention craving Leos exhibit. This exploration is based on my observations, and as I previously iterated in my last blog it is not fact, just my opinion. With that warning in mind please proceed :-)

I usually get along well with Leos. I am aware of their egotistic natures and at times even humor them by just being quiet and listening to them drone on about themselves (in fake awe of course). In fact the way to a Leos heart is simply to listen, agree with them, praise them, don't make them look bad, and provide them with lots of hot and fast sex (and if you have a mirror on your ceiling, your Leo will love you). Although Leos have many faults, for the most part they are good people. They are extremely strong natured, hard working, generous, driven, opinionated, and extremely sociable.

A true Leo will make their opinions known to you. This sign does not attempt to be coy or modest about their views, wants and desires. And trust me this is one sign you do not want to upset or prove wrong (at least in a public setting). They have huge egos and like to be the alpha male in all situations. I used to date a Leo, who was pretty mild mannered, but one of the funniest things I remember him saying about a mutual friend of ours went along the lines of "who does this guy think he is acting like the biggest dick in the room, that's my role". Now granted my ex was joking but the point is that Leos need to be the center of attention even if they have to act like arrogant pricks in order to do so.

Leos command attention wherever they go. Case in point, President Obama, he is the ultimate Leo. Like President Obama, Leos love to be in the limelight and they always have an opinion on something (even if they're not informed enough to actually have an opinion). Many Leo men have somewhat of a demigod concept and will get very upset when people make them look bad.

I don't know how you have a
Jamaican accent, but man you
are friggin awesome my baboon friend.
 Leos love to flirt and I would consider them one of the best flirters of the Zodiac (Gemini may be better, but I will save that for another post). Also as I mentioned above, Leos are known for having huge egos. Along with huge egos Leos love the thought of conquest and easy sex. They are no stranger to hooking up and many have no problem with doing it in public ( it's a very exhibitionist sign). Since Leo's are so into attention they will often flirt and even hook up just to get the attention they crave.

Even if a Leo is in a committed relationship, they will still flirt. I'm not saying that Leos are cheaters but keep in mind that they enjoy being sociable and like the attention they receive from the opposite sex. Case in point, my experience the other day with a male Leo. So last week, I was at an awkward Jewish happy hour (AJHH). I think I spend most of my free time flitting from one to another, mainly because I am self-masochist who enjoys being around a crowd of awkward unattractive Jewish people who are drunk :-). Anyways at the AJHH I ran into a  Leo male friend of mine that I had met at a previous AJHH. I thought this guy was handsome (albeit, a little short, le sigh) and is very much my type: conservative, traditional, hardworking, stable, funny, etc. Anyways he had never made a move before on me so I assumed he wanted to keep it in the friend zone. So when he approached me I expected a quick hello and maybe a few minutes of conversation.

Instead of a quick greeting, I actually got his full attention for once and trust me when I say Leos are very affectionate people when they're interested. After greeting me hello by giving me two kisses on the cheek (granted we are both Latin, so I didn't read into this too much), he also proceeded to keep touching me when we talked (almost always a clear sign a guy is interested). He told me how great I looked, and jokingly brought up some pictures of me scantily clad from college that he had seen on FB. Needless to say by this point I was extremely confused. This guy had never shown interest in me in the past, what was going on?

Say, you wouldn't  happen
 to know when the next
awkward Jewish Happy Hour is?
  Fast forward twenty minutes later when he reveals, now openly tipsy, that he has a long distance girlfriend and prefers going to AJHHs now because there is less pressure. Huh? At this point I just became pretty disgusted and had to walk away. I could not understand why someone who had a gf (long distance or not) would go to an AJHH (which are basically meat markets of the Jewish dating scene) and openly hit on girls.

Thankfully I remembered he was a Leo and that helped me make sense of what had just  happened and not take it personally. Leos need the attention so badly from the opposite sex that they will do things like this. They don't necessarily flirt to get sex out of anyone but they will flirt to get attention from women and admiration from other men.

So Leo men, I am kind of over the desperate need for attention you crave. But when you're ready to get serious, I'll get my ceiling mirror ready :-p.

1 comment:

  1. well I do not know any Leo's but I'll keep an eye out haha . Loved your post very interesting , and humerous
