Monday, October 11, 2010

Pisces Females: Bringing on the Cray Cray

So before I begin I want to say that these are my personal opinions based on my basic study of the zodiac. I don't know everything there is to know about the subject and this blog is a way to learn more about the many signs out there. I am open to new opinions and would love to learn more. Also please do not take whatever I write here offensively, it is a mere exploration of ideas, facts, and personal experiences I have had. No description of a sign can truly encapsulate everyone within that sign. Especially since I plan on writing strictly about Sun signs, the main sign people are born under. We are influenced by many planets, and sun signs only make up a small percentage of the way someone behaves and acts. Oftentimes Sun signs can be usurped by other stronger planets asserting themselves. So if you feel these generalizations don't apply to you that is probably why.  Anyways, let me just reiterate yet again that these are just basic generalizations that I have noticed and want to explore further.

There are a lot of signs out there that I don’t know much about. Whether it’s because they don’t really interest me at all (Libra/Sagittarius) or because the more I know about them the more inclined I am to dislike them (Gemini/Aquarius). Pisces however probably falls into somewhere in the middle. Although Pisces are Water Signs (like Cancers) I have never had a long term friendship or relationship with one.

For the most part, Pisces strikes me as a lazy and weak sign. They are the starving artist type of the Zodiac, meaning that although they can be very creative they usually don't have a lot of drive or ambition to succeed or be successful in life. My experiences with various Pisces has led me to the impression that they are unreliable, unstable and live in a dream world.
With my sun sign being in Cancer and the majority of my other planets being ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo all of these qualities are a very big turn off for me. The one and only Pisces I dated fit my stereotype of a Pisces to a tee. Even though he was in his late thirties, he could not hold down a steady job nor could he seem to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Like Virgos, Pisces men have always struck me as being little boys who need a very strong authoritative figure in their life to take care of them. Although Pisces are usually positive and good natured they don’t expect to work hard to remedy their situations and can have a "woe is me" mentality. Meaning that Pisces often times will feel bad about themselves and can fall into deep depressions.

This was my initial perception of Pisces for a long time, but little by little I’ve realized that these qualities do not hold true for Pisces women.  Unlike their male counterparts, Pisces women are usually hard workers and very focused. To me, most Pisces males tend to be very sweet natured and open, whereas Pisces women are fake, critical, brittle, and closed. As a Cancer usually I have very good intuition into others signs and personality types but I am always surprised when a Pisces female tells me they’re a Pisces. Usually I peg them as a Gemini because of their gregarious nature and a seemingly fake quality to their personality. My initial impression of meeting a Pisces women was that although they enjoyed talking they still seemed cold and distant. I usually could not form easy or genuine friendships with them.

At a work training class the other day we did a lesson on Meyers Briggs(MBTI), which is a test used to determine different personality types. I immediately wanted to know if the MBTI personality types were relatable to Zodiac signs. My facilitator who I had pegged right off the bat as Gemini, later told me she was a Pisces. Everything about this women screamed Gemini to me. And it got me to thinking of other Pisces women I knew, who were extremely hard workers, focused, and not really open about their emotions.
Unlike a male Pisces who usually maintains a sunny and cheerful nature no matter what pressures they are under, Pisces women can come off as very cold. What surprised me the most about the Pisces females I know was the similarity they have to Cancers and Scorpios females in this regard. Like Scorpios and Cancers, Pisces females understand that their emotions make them vulnerable and they react by closing themselves off and appearing somewhat cold to outsiders. However, most Cancers and Scorpio females tend to let down their guard after you get to know them versus Pisces females who never truly seem to open up.
There is also a seemingly fake quality to many Pisces women. Like I mentioned above, I usually peg most Pisces women as Geminis because they are very sociable and love to talk but don't seem to have much substance to them. Most Pisces usually lack Gemini's charismatic nature but make up for it with their natural ability to relate to others (sometimes this can come across as very awkward). Despite the ability to empathize with others, Pisces women have always struck me as being very fake and bitchy. Another big issue that I have faced with Pisces females is that they lie a lot and hold grudges.They are easily slighted and they would rather hold a grudge then communicate with you on what happened.

Ivy Higa,"The Cray Cray"
 A Pisces female holding a grudge is very obvious to me. Already cold on the outside, she just turns off. There is no use in  speaking to her about the problem and sometimes her anger has no justification.  Another quality of Pisces women I have noticed from reading different books/blogs as well as my personal experience, is the "Cray Cray". My fellow devotees of Project Runway know all about the "Cray Cray" that's been happening this season (I will bet that Ivy Higa is a Virgo or Pisces female).

Obviously not all Pisces women are crazy but there are many who would qualify as mentally unbalanced. Case in point a very famous Pisces female I know in DC. This woman used to work at DoD under the Bush Administration in a very high up position. And she was absolutely bat shit crazy. Have you ever met someone and you could just feel the tension, craziness, and anger seeping out of their pores? Well that was this woman. I actually pegged her as a Gemini because of this. My own personal interactions with her always confused the hell out of me, since all I could think about was that someone had actually trusted her in a position of power. Anyways she basically lost it one day and apparently hit a junior level staff member and had to be escorted out kicking and screaming from the Pentagon.
Now, I don't know if all my readers are aware of how DC works. But it is a very small town with a long memory. You just can't go around hitting junior staffers and throwing a hissy fit. But to a Pisces female in an emotional state this type of thing can happen. Like I mentioned earlier, Pisces sometimes lack the control of other signs and will lash out if hurt and upset. 

So although this is an extreme example of Pisces going "cray cray", it does happen. If you look at other descriptions of Pisces women you will oftentimes find people commenting on the "Cray Cray" of this sign. Whether its a Pisces female taking revenge on an ex by burning down his house/car, lying, manipulating, using drugs, etc.
Anyways this is just an exploration into the not so positive qualities of  a Pisces female. Obviously not every Pisces female is crazy.  Many are kind hearted, generous, loveable, gentle women/men who are quite normal. This sign does have many more positive attributes which I will explore in other posts, I am  glossing over the finer qualities of this sign to talk about these negative aspects, which are rarely discussed in most forums. But I do want to learn more about Pisces females so feel free to comment :-).


  1. Great post. Like you, I didn't know that much about Pisces. It was great to learn this, and I think it definitely applies to some of the Pisces women I know. I have two very good friends who are Pisces twins. How do you account for the personality differences between twins? These ones certainly aren't polar opposites of each other, but one is more yin and the other is more yang.


    Rachel R

    1. pisces women are sweet. theres something about them when you talk to them. its like they understand you. Being a taurus, i love when people listen to you. because i will listen to her.

    2. I am a female Pisces and can give some insight as much as I can. Keep in mind this is Only my perspective : We are all different but have a lot of the same emotions.. That even we don't fully understand such as.. When we are hurt emotionally we shut down, internalize the pain, hold on to it..decide if we " want " to let it go.,,or go ballistic which is our first instinct . We are Very in tune with animals and people as when we Feel we Really feel,our senses are off the chart. We get accused of being intimidating because we are Closed off until we decide if your " Real ".. If there is any hint you are fake , ignorant, selfish, disloyal , have a better than attitude , angry ,dishonest and have no don't stand a chance. ... We will not usually have any use for you & seek to push you away or cause you pain .. Emotional , physical or financial . If we love you it's Very deep and Very passionate we don't care if you have $$ as long as you give us our space and connect with us..we will be faithful to you. When our mind is on Overload ..well we need to vent then be Alone to sort through it. We do fantasize quite a bit but that is what keeps us sane..we get very moody and insecure from our feelings being so profoundly strong all the time... This makes us feel Very Alone and appear a bit crazy... We are Far from that though, most of us have a psychic ability that we don't understand . When we choose a friend, they are usually for life, and we don't have many . Once we form an opinion of someone it does Not change even if you Think it has.. If we give you the chance to get close and you piss us off.. Grudge will be forever. We Do enjoy being near water.. Even if we can't swim. We Do enjoy seafood and crave it. We normally Always Know another Pisces without it being said.. There are up / down stream Pisces ..We Do Not always get along with each other.. Some are grounded some not at all can create a lot of conflict . All of us like to feel secure if we don't we get obsessive with Whatever makes us feel good. We easily go from being Very vain in appearance to Very lax . We are modest but seek approval from those close to us, we Only want discreet attention. We do Not like anyone being jealous over us... Only we can do that and usually there is reason for it. If we talk Fast you can bet it is Exactly what we are feeling and very truthful.. We are indecisive financially and with love but very black & white with right / wrong .
      It's not an easy sign to be, even we don't know what's coming next but we genuinely mean well... Hope this helps! ��

  2. I've noticed that many twins are like this. You have to keep in mind that so many of us are affected by other planets. So it's possible that one twin was born under a strong rising planet and the other was born under a different rising sign. Also you have to take into account life experiences. Just because they are twins does not mean that they haven't led somewhat different lives or had different experiences.

    In the case of Pisces, most Pisces women/men I have met are extremely chill, genuine and super sweet. Many don't embody these negative characteristics at all! But some do, and this blog is a way to discuss things that more traditional astrology doesn't discuss. And to move beyond "stereotypes" of different signs.

    I think the important take away from any of my blog posts is to realize that not every sign is positive. Every single sign has both positive/negative, yin/yang to them. Some people can embody the positive more others the negative and vice versa.

    Hope this helps! Miss u sooo much Rachel! Hope all is well in Paris!! See you soon!!

  3. I think pisces women seem fake because they are too good to be true. JK! I can only speak for one fish, me. I am very transparent and this can be a problem for people who are not comfortable in their own skin (not saying you are uncomfortable, I don't know you). They are just as uncomfortable around me as I am around them. I think this has to do with the sensitivity pisces women have and that they do try to understand and be in someone's shoes to better get you and your point of view. At least I do. I do not have any close gemini lady friends and yet am often confused for one. The few pisces I've met also wear their heart on their sleeve and are very transparent. Again, transparency is not a comfortable place for some people. I see where you are coming from about the bitchiness and I understand this because there are times I struggle and try to learn to contain my emotions because they can affect others. Not an easy thing to do. I'm trying to think of a sign that annoys me and the only one I can think of is capricorn. Mostly because they can seem to have a heavy streak of selfishness to them. We are all onions with layers upon layers. What may seem selfish to me is mearly a defense mechanism. Who knows.

  4. Pisces women are very different from Pisces men. I am one and have many RN colleagues that are Pisces. We are hard working, loving, loyal, forgiving, compassionate and really good mothers. Yes we are sensitive and get blue but unlike our sister water sign Cancer we don't stay blue for long and we always and I mean always get up and keep going. Some of the most beautiful women are Pisces, e.g. Eve Mendes, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Jessica Beil and the list goes on. On top of being attractive we are smart and our inner strength is frightening to other signs. Maybe you should spend more time with the Pisces female, as friends we've got your back and that means for life.

  5. I know your encounter with the pisces you've mentioned are negative but since my moon sign is in cancer, I have more traits of a cancer than anything else I don't consider myself "fake" and usually can spot superficiality because it's something that I never liked in a person. Also my venus and ascendant sign are in Aries, so I would consider myself an energetic yet impulsive person. Not every pisces is the same.
