Thursday, October 14, 2010

Male Taurus: Grabbing the bull by his horns

There are not many signs that truly resemble their zodiac symbol. Sure if you used your imagination you could connect a Leo to a proud preening lion. Or a Scorpio to a secretive and dangerous scorpion. But a Taurus male, no matter his body type, almost always resembles a bull to me.

It's not really the physical build of the person but rather the mind set. Tauruses are a very slow moving, patient, and down to earth sign. Both male and female Tauruses are known for taking their time to make a decision and being very stubborn especially if they are being rushed by someone. Picture a bull in the field eating grass. Unless you're teasing it or being hostile, chances are that bull is not moving any where any time soon. That's what most Tauruses are like as well. They are placid and content in their own routines but are capable of getting quite angry and charging you if they become upset.

They should call me the
situation, check out
these abs!
This post will explore the male Taurus and how these characteristics affects his relationship potential with others. Tauruses by nature are very sensual and seductive. Ruled by the planet Venus, the Taurus finds pleasure in the finer things in life. They love good food, wine, nice clothing, sensual love making and are  ruled by their senses. Making love to a Taurus is a mind bending experience, even if you are not on the receiving end(more on that later) it will be some of the most sensual sex you've probably ever experienced.

However, despite being ruled by their senses and the pursuit of pleasure, Taurus is a cautious sign. They are extremely indecisive and slow to make a decision. Tauruses have infinite patience to sit and wait for what they want. Unlike headstrong Aries, Taurus will never rush into anything without considering all of his options first. This can result in a lot of problems for Taurus since by the time they've made a decision the person may have moved on. Tauruses eventually will commit, but not unless they are 110% sure that you are the right person for them.

The Taurus male is not slow in bed. Once he is sure of what he wants he has no problem rushing in to claim the prize. Fair warning, Tauruses are not always the most generous lover. They often prefer being on the bottom and doing "less work". One person described this to me recently as Tauruses just enjoying the show.  Because this sign is ruled by feminine Venus he appreciates a woman's body and natural sensuality and does not mind a female being on top. Taurus males do not always like being on top but their favorite position is more often then not some form of doggy ( going back to the bull metaphor). Oh and if you have any resemblance to Kim Kardashian, or at least her lower regions, consider yourself lucky, Taurus is quite an ass man and is not ashamed to admit it. Not all Tauruses are into curves but the few I have met are.

Sex with a Taurus is a very mind bending experience, but sometimes only for them. Now granted this sign will try to give his partners pleasure but they can be very selfish at times. A Taurus will focus so much on their own pleasure that they will forget about yours. For the most part they also are not very imaginative or inventive during sex. Like their fellow Earth signs, Taurus prefers positions he has already tried and enjoyed. Pushing a Taurus male into the unknown or different position will probably back fire.

Although Taurus is the most sensual of all the Earth signs he is still somewhat of a prude at heart. Taurus don't usually sleep around, since he is usually playing for keeps. He is also not interested in dating many women at the same time. Usually one is enough for a Taurus.

Taurus is also a very confusing sign to deal with. They take such a long time in making up their minds about whether they like someone or not. Often Taurus will profess to like someone but when things get too intimate for them or if they are not ready they will leave. Many people have asked me why Taurus, a sign known for stability can be so flakey sometimes. Unfortunately that will have to be saved for another post, because both male and female Tauruses suffer from being flakey. Needless to say that Tauruses flakiness comes from the difficulty of Taurus to make (or be content) in a decision. They have a hard time reaching a conclusion or decision but when they do come to one its hard to change their mind.

Often if they feel you are just not the one for them Taurus can react very childishly and push you away. Tauruses behavior in this regard can be quite selfish, as they will put themselves first in any situation. If they feel like something is not going the right way they have no problem with backing off. Once again think back to the metaphor of a bull, picture trying to feed a bull in a field. The bull is far too cautious to come right away, chances are you're going to have to be patient and slowly coax the bull to you. However any sudden movements, aggression, or out of the ordinary will have him backtracking back to where he came from. Tauruses do eventually open up after a while but only when they feel they can completely trust you.

Mmmm Kugel!
So how do you seduce a Taurus male you may be wondering? Well ladies you gotta learn how to cook. Because the way to this signs heart is through his stomach. I have one Taurus friend who when asked what he was looking for in a woman remarked, "she needs to know how to make an amazing kugel" (Kugel for my non-Jewish readers is a sweet noodle dish). The other thing Taurus males are looking for is stability. This sign is known for being stable, practical and homey. They want someone who is not going to leave them hanging (even though many have no problem doing this to others), and  who will be loyal to them. So you may have figured out already who Taurus is meant to be with, Cancer.

The two signs are truly perfect together. Taurus enjoys being pampered and Cancer's don't mind spoiling. Taurus is a taker in bed, Cancer is a giver. Taurus loves eating well prepared food, Cancer enjoys cooking and serving him. Both share many things in common, like respect for traditions, love of food, homey nature, and infinite patience.

But its not always meant to be. Cancers are extremely sensitive to rejection and don't always view a Taurus deliberating as a good sign for a potential relationship. Chances are as Taurus is busy thinking about a myriad of things, Cancers have already moved on to a new prospect ( I will discuss this more in another post).

You may need several
of these while you wait
for Taurus to make up
 his mind.
Taurus also goes well with signs like Scorpio, Virgo, Leo and Capricorn. But not many signs can handle a Taurus. Because Tauruses are so slow and methodological they will clash with headstrong Aries and are too traditional for free thinkers like Aquarius.

Despite the flaws Tauruses make great friends and lovers. They are kind, patient and thoughtful of others. And are very generous with those they love. So remember try to exercise patience with this sign. Don't always trust your natural instincts. Sometimes what you think of as rejection is really only a Taurus seriously taking his time to consider you as his mate.

As always, good luck!

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