Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Aries Male - The ram is "always" right

Whenever I talk to my Aries dad, whether on the phone or in person, he always loves to make definitive statements. For example, he will comment on how all politicians are corrupt, how all British people are jerks (and assholes and alcoholics, lol) and it goes on and on. To an Aries, the world is black/white, yes/no, and wrong/right. There are very few, if any Aries, both male and female, who see the world in multiple shades of grey.

Aries love to make definitive statements on how they see the world. They can feel very passionate about causes, movements and at times politics because of this. Not to say that Aries are passive followers, they are anything but. Aries are one of the natural leaders of the Zodiac and oftentimes they're the ones who are recruiting the passive followers to drink the proverbial kool-aid.

Aries is also one of the most honest signs in the zodiac. Aries usually have no problem laying out the truth for people, even if it's indelicate or others don't want to hear it, mainly because they are so blunt and aggressive. This also means Aries will speak his mind no matter what. Oftentimes an Aries will speak his mind and share his opinion even if he is wrong. Like his fellow fire signs, Leo and Sag, Aries loves to talk and share his opinions and view points on life. So regardless of whether he is actually right or not, an Aries will share his opinion whether you want to hear it or not or even if it makes no sense.

One of the most negative aspects of the Aries male is this need to always be right, no matter what. Aries will argue a point to death even if they have no evidence, proof or reasoning behind it. And because of his fiery nature, passion for the cause, and inexhaustible energy he usually wins by sheer force instead of wits or reason. And to an Aries nothing is better then winning. This sign lives for the conquest and eventual  winning something, whether that be respect/admiration of others (usually the case) or actual monetary/tangible gain. This quality makes Aries males excellent politicians, lawyers, spokesmen, salesmen, etc.

Aries oftentimes have a bullheaded quality to them. Like Taurus they can be stubborn about their views and beliefs. They have very little self awareness and oftentimes don't notice or care if what they're doing or acting like makes no sense at all. They are impatient and like I said earlier will try to win or make things happen by sheer force or will. They have boundless energy which never seems to be exhausted and they are usually optimistic about their causes and beliefs.

Aries gets in the most trouble in relationships with their need to always be right. Because Aries is always right, it will be your fault if the relationship is not working. Case in point, if there are issues with sex it will be your fault. Aries men are  very impatient lovers. Now granted they are inexhaustible, so if you like to have "energizer bunny sex" this sign is for you, because they can keep going, and going, and going...you get the point. But for those of us (ahem, water signs put your hands up) who like a little seduction and lengthy foreplay with our sex then make sure to never get involved with an Aries. This sign will leave you hanging and wanting more. Aries feel that sex should be hot, fast, and fun and they rarely view it as a deep, lengthy sensual experience. To a water sign sleeping with an Aries is like eating fast food. Sure it is satisfying at first, but it doesn't fill you up for very long, does not satisfy your craving for something substantial and it leaves you with heartburn the next day.

Aries males need to be right all the time will eventually affect the relationship and sex in a bad way.  Because they  always feel they are right it is very hard to communicate with an Aries or even give constructive criticism. Aries don't take criticism  very well, since they believe their techniques are superb and flawless, after all they saw it in a porno and aren't those always accurate? If you try to tell an Aries that what they're doing is not resulting in any pleasure for you, they will turn nasty. The last Aries I dated was like this. Now granted he was a very kind, mild mannered man in his late thirties. But even he had a streak of Aries stubbornness. When I told him that he needed to switch up his technique so I could orgasm, he said to me "but this made all my ex-girlfriends orgasm". Typical Aries response. This same thing happened to my sister whose Aries ex-boyfriend told her the same exact thing. Never mind that their previous partners had totally different bodies, sexual styles, desires, wants and needs. To an Aries male, you are the problem, not him and his superb sexual techniques.

This issue also has roots in Aries natural impatient personality. Rarely if ever will Aries take their time during sex. Because of this the foreplay between you and your Aries male will surely decrease over time and as you become more familiar with each other. Aries is the meat and potato guy of the Zodiac, he doesn't need a song and a dance to get him in the mood because he is always ready to go. No need for slow seduction, mind games, fantasies, strip dances or hot lingerie. Aries are simple, easy to understand and always hot and raring to go.

So if this sounds like your dream guy, what are you waiting for? Go find your sexiest outfit, red preferably, and find your Aries dream man. Oh and ladies, this boy is not picky, he is more into quantity then quality. Be careful when sleeping with your Aries man, because hes more then likely to have been around the block his fair share of times.  So make sure he gets tested, be cautious, don't take too long to make up your mind and don't play subtle mind games because Aries does not get them.

Oftentimes you will find that an Aries male is one that can move around from lover to lover. But when he is in love, honey you will know it. When in love, Aries is one of the most committed signs. They love deeply and since they're always right they expect you to love them the same in return.

Good luck!


  1. And there I thought those were exclusively Gemini traits, due to my stepdad!

    GREAT posts!!!!! Congrats!

    Love the blog and love your insights and look forward to more :o)
